Use Employer Separation SIDES E-Response

State Information Data Exchange System (SIDES) and SIDES E-Response

Employers and third-party administrators (TPAs) are all too familiar with the challenges associated with responding to paper-based unemployment insurance (UI) information requests. The State Information Data Exchange System (SIDES) and SIDES E–Response are designed to make it easier and more efficient for employers and TPAs to respond to UI information requests. 

What are SIDES and SIDES E–Response?

SIDES and SIDES E–Response are web-based systems available to employers and TPAs – free of charge – that provide a secure, electronic and nationally-standardized format to respond to UI information requests. SIDES is designed for employers and TPAs that typically deal with a large volume of UI information requests, while SIDES E–Response is for employers with a limited number of UI claims throughout the year. 

What are the benefits of SIDES and SIDES E–Response?

SIDES and SIDES E–Response have the potential to significantly improve the UI information exchange process. While the best option depends on the specific needs of an employer, both systems offer significant benefits:

  • Saves time and money
  • Provided for FREE
  • Reduces staff time
  • Reduces paper work
  • Helps keep UI rates as low as possible by reducing overpayments
  • Provides an electronic, nationally standardized data format
  • Includes data checks to ensure the exchange of complete and valid information
  • Provides tools for a healthier bottom line

We invite you to read more about SIDES and SIDES E-Response and learn how both systems can help your company reduce paper work while saving time and money. 

Georgia SIDES E-Response is now available but you must be registered to participate. Your Georgia Department of Labor account number and Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) are required to complete the registration process. 

Register for SIDES E-Response. If you received an email request for separation information submit your E-Response

Email Us using subject SIDES if you have questions or need other assistance. 

Download this pdf file. SIDES E-Response User’s Guide

SIDES E–Response Information 

SIDES Information

SIDES and SIDES E-Response FAQs

E-Response Account Maintenance