UI RESEA Program
What is RESEA?
RESEA stands for Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment Program.
Its purpose is to:
- Assist individuals receiving Unemployment Insurance (UI) Benefits.
- Enhance accessibility to reemployment services, including orientation, career centers, workforce partner services, local and state labor market information, customized reemployment planning, job search counseling, and online skills assessments.
- Connect individuals with additional workforce system partners and programs, including the Technical College of Georgia and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).
How are individuals chosen for RESEA, and why was I selected?
The RESEA program is designed to offer customized support to individuals who find themselves exhausting their UI benefits before successfully finding new employment or returning to work. This often occurs due to an economic downturn or slow growth in your current field, potentially extending the time it takes to regain employment.
Participation in the RESEA program opens the door to invaluable resources and support – all geared toward equipping you with the essential tools necessary for a swift and successful reentry into the workforce.
What is required and is there an orientation?
Yes, if you are selected for the RESEA program, you must participate in one scheduled orientation session (by appointment) and fulfill the following requirements:
- Register for the program
- Complete an interest assessment
- Submit a résumé
- Provide records of your weekly work search
What should I bring to the RESEA Orientation?
To ensure a smooth RESEA orientation experience and prevent delays, please take the following steps before your arrival:
- Complete your WorkSource Georgia registration and create a résumé at worksourcegaportal.com.
- If you receive a notification, complete the online assessment at mynextmove.org/explore/ip. (Make sure to document your results for your appointment).
- Submit your weekly work search via the MyUI Claimant Portal. Alternatively, you can use the printed Weekly Work Search form available on this site. If using the printed form, complete it and fax it to dol.georgia.gov or fax to (404) 525-3605, (404) 525-3606, or 1-877-302-1573. Your signature is required for the form to be considered complete.
Is the orientation required?
Yes. Failure to participate in the scheduled orientation/appointment or to complete your WorkSource Georgia registration, assessment, résumé, or weekly work search submission could result in a delay or denial of your unemployment benefits.
What if I need to change the date or time?
If you cannot keep your appointment, please contact your career center immediately at 1-877-709-8185 before your appointment. If you need to change the date or time of your appointment, please contact GDOL at (877) 709-8185 and, when prompted, say: "UI RESEA Orientation" or "UI RESEA Appointment."