September 09, 2024
Transformed by the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Program: Timothy Dean's Story

Timothy Dean worked for a textile factory in Georgia for over ten years when it shut its doors, leading him to become certified for Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) benefits. After losing his job at the factory, Timothy faced another layoff from a tire company he had hoped to retire from. With a renewed sense of determination and reflecting on his past experiences, he chose to embrace the full support offered by GDOL.
"In 2009, I faced the devastation of being laid off for the second time due to plant closures and jobs moving overseas. After the first layoff, I jumped into the first job I could find without consulting my local Department of Labor. When I was laid off again, I decided to listen to what GDOL had to offer. That decision changed my life. The TAA Program granted me the opportunity of a lifetime—to further my education and transform a job into a career. The Albany Career Center's smooth handling of the mass layoffs made the Trade process incredibly easy. Through TAA, I graduated as a Physical Therapy Assistant (PTA) in 2011 and became licensed in January 2012. I continue to work as a PTA and still love it. Thanks to the TAA Program, I found my lifelong career."
Read more to find out how a GDOL TAA representative can help you achieve the job or new career of your dreams.