Mission and Goals

The Mission of the Georgia Department of Labor is: 

To work with public and private partners in building a workforce system that contributes to Georgia's economic prosperity. We will accomplish this by creating opportunities and providing services that:

  • Assist individuals to attain their work goals and increase self-sufficiency through employment, training, and support services, and
  • Assist employers to meet their business needs through employee recruitment and selection services, workforce information, and technical support.

The Georgia Department of Labor’s strategic goals are:

  • The department will provide high quality, responsive and universally accessible services that accommodate customer choice and exceed customer expectations.
  • The department will continue to promote and facilitate partnerships at all levels for effective program and service outcomes.
  • The department will promote individual and organizational growth and effectiveness.
  • The department will actively and effectively market service delivery capabilities.
  • The department will use state-of-the-art technology that supports effective and efficient service delivery.